We believe that Allah is the Creator of everything; that Allah had always existed and nothing else existed along with Him or before Him; that His Throne was above water; and that He created water before creating the heavens and the earth, and then He created the heavens and the earth, and He split them apart after they had been joined together.
We believe that Allah rendered this creation as a witness to His Lordship that entails His divinity. He is the True Creator, and all else is created. Blessed and exalted be He. He is the True God, and all else are only created beings that do not deserve to be worshiped or sought for help or reward.
We believe that the honorable Throne is an immense creation of Allah; rather, it is the greatest among His created beings.
We believe that the angels surround the Throne of the Most Gracious Lord and that Allah Almighty is above His Throne, above His heavens, being distinct and separate from His creation.
We believe that Allah created the Pen that wrote down the destiny of everything, and that there are numerous such pens.
We believe that Allah created the Kursi (Footstool) and that it is the greatest among all creation after the Throne.
We believe that Allah created the heavens and the earth and what is between them in six days, of His measure; that He raised the heavens without pillars; that He created all these great things for great purposes that we cannot fully grasp; and that He perfected His creation.
We believe that this universe, with its heavens, earth, mountains, and all that is in it, will be in a different condition on the Day of Judgment.
We believe that Allah created the sun and the moon in truth and subjected them by His command. And we believe that He created the stars and planets for great purposes, and that the stars and planets cannot produce benefit or cause harm and do not affect whatever happens on earth or in the sky. Moreover, whoever believes that they have an impact per se has become a disbeliever or a polytheist.
We believe that Allah created the angels from light, and they have variant forms of creation.
We believe that Allah created the jinn from a smokeless flame of fire; that the jinn were created before Adam; and that the chief of the devils is Satan, and it was he who seduced Adam and Eve (peace be upon them) and caused them to be driven out of Paradise.
We believe that Satan disdained to prostrate, and so Allah got angry at him and cursed and expelled him. And we believe that the jinn are accountable and required to follow the religion.
We believe that Allah informed the angels that He would make a vicegerent on earth to populate and fill it with worship. And He clarified that this vicegerent would be Adam and He would create him from dust, which Allah turned into mud and then fashioned it in stages.
We believe that Allah created Adam with His honorable Hand, made the angels prostrate to him, and created for him, from himself, a spouse in whom he would find comfort, namely Eve; and that He let them both dwell in Paradise and then made them go down to earth.
We believe that all mankind are the progeny of Adam, and Adam was created from dust; thus, there is no superiority for anyone over another except in terms of piety.
We believe that Allah created all people upon fitrah (natural disposition).
We believe that the soul is the affair of Allah Almighty and that souls are created by Him. We also believe people do not know much about the soul, except what Allah allowed them to know.
We believe that bodies die, and their death is the departure of the souls from their bodies.
We believe that all creatures on earth are communities like humans.
We know that Allah created every living creature from water and created everything in pairs; and that all these creatures will perish, save what Allah Almighty excluded.